Advantages and disadvantages of thermoplastic composites for fan blades

The manufacture of wind turbine blades has been based on thermoset composite technology. However, thermoplastic composites offer recyclability and other advantages. When reinforced thermoplastics are used to produce rotor blades, they offer significant advantages over thermosets. First, thermoplastics are plastic when heated and retain plasticity unlike permanent thermosetting plastics. Therefore, at the end of the service life, thermoplastic blades can be molded by heating and recycling. Assuming that blade manufacturing now uses hundreds of thousands of tons of composite materials each year, this will create an increasingly important market benefit.

1. Advantages and Disadvantages Advantage 1: Recyclable and Recyclable At the later stage of the service life, thermoplastic blades can be molded by heating and recycling.

Advantage 2: Curing cycle Short thermoplastics can also solve the obstacles of the curing cycle, which now slow down the production speed of thermosetting blades. Molded blades can be demolded under heating, further accelerating the production process. Components can be co-cured or connected by heating the local interface and welding. Small parts can use pellet injection molding.

Advantage 3: Strength and Stiffness Higher Reinforced thermoplastics can be stronger than thermosets at the same weight, which results in a lighter structure. The optimization of blade design for these plastics can result in different configurations. For example, by designing a blade to make it more like an airplane wing, reinforced with ribs and beams, designers can eliminate many of the structural cores currently used in blades. Foams and other core materials absorb the resin, adding weight and cost, and must be shaped. In use, its resistance to rain, snow, etc. is better than that of thermosetting plastics, and it usually has higher damage tolerance and slower crack growth. Due to its more prolonged properties, thermoplastics have better impact resistance and tend to show visible dents. Unlike thermoset composites, they are hidden in laminates and do not show defects on the surface.

Disadvantage I: Poor anti-fatigue properties The fatigue properties of thermoplastics are rather poor due to the weaker connection between the fibers and the plastic matrix. The connection between the two is mechanical, and it is the contraction of the matrix resin around the fiber during the curing process, not the chemical connection. Conventional coupling agents are used to improve the bonding of glass fibers, carbon fibers, and thermosetting resins, but have little effect on thermoplastic resins.

Disadvantage 2: Heat/wet performance is generally worse than thermoset resin. The heat/wet performance is generally inferior to thermoset resin. This is due to the fact that hot moisture expands the matrix and loosens the mechanical connections, causing the matrix molecular chains to slide along the fibers. In addition, most thermoplastic resins are difficult to process, and their higher viscosity in the molten state means that higher processing temperatures and curing pressures are required to ensure that the resin can penetrate completely into long-fiber continuous fibers. Due to the need for metal molds and high energy consumption, the cost rises.

2. Research status at home and abroad Abroad: Eire Composites' Green Blade Project In Ireland, the composite technology research unit of Galway State University, Limerick University research team and commercial company Eire Composites have further studied this latest technology. Both universities have extensively studied APLC-12 composites, and Eire Composites has been actively developing liquid forming technology for the production of thermoplastic composite wind turbine blades and nacelle covers. In the Green Blade project, Eire Composites is leading a collaboration (through its subsidiary, EireCompositeTeo), which includes Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ahlstrom Fiberglass, and Cyclics, to jointly develop and manufacture a 12.6 meter long blade sample, and carry out testing. This work will naturally lead to the future development and certification of full-size thermoplastic composite blades. Foreign: BladeKing, Denmark's LM company's new blade technology development project Among the several large blade manufacturers, the Danish company LM, which is the world's largest wind turbine blade manufacturer, pays close attention to this work. The company under normal circumstances can barely make the blade production quick enough to meet the requirements, so it wants to cut the current production cycle by half and as part of its latest blade technology development project BladeKing. The company has been attracted by the ability of thermoplastics to reduce production cycles, and it can serve as a possible key to bring new plastics to market by 2015.

In order to produce very large blades for future offshore wind turbines, high levels of automation are also needed. This is another focus of the BladeKing project: use of automated fiber ply or tape layers to speed up the lamination of fibers in the mold. The RisoDTU and Aalborg universities are working with LM on the BladeKing project. The Danish state-of-the-art technology** provides partial sponsorship. Domestic: SinoTech Hengyuan cooperates with RTP to develop long-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic blades Hunan Zhongke Hengyuan Wind Power Industry Technology Co., Ltd. designs and manufactures small wind turbines suitable for areas not supplied by the grid. The company uses long glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics from RTP Corp. of the United States to inject molded wind turbine blades. According to reports, the company cooperated with RTP to develop and use very long fiber reinforced products because they have the highest strength/weight ratio in injection molding materials. Long glass fiber reinforced materials provide high modulus and impact resistance, maintaining the shape of the blade regardless of environmental conditions. Excellent dimensional stability can effectively prevent the blades from changing the windward angle, which greatly improves the efficiency of the turbine, especially in very humid and very dry conditions.

3. Summarize the accelerating development of the global wind power market, so that the blade supplier not only has to expand its capacity, but also has to find technologies to speed up the production process in order to meet future needs. The potential advantages of thermoplastic resins can help them to do this, while also strengthening the structural feasibility of very large blades and resolving the problem of renewable blades after retirement. For the wind energy field, these real plastics can prove to be a revolutionary technology due to the increasing demand.

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