Appropriate amount of topdressing to prevent wheat frost damage

Wheat frost damage is one of the disasters in wheat production in the northern wheat region. Especially in low temperature and dry years, the freezing damage is heavier, which makes the wheat yield greatly affected. In order to prevent the freezing injury of wheat during the winter, in addition to the varieties with strong cold resistance, there are several agricultural measures.
Appropriate amount of topdressing. For wheat fields with insufficient fertilization before sowing, topdressing before wheat wintering can consolidate the effective tillering of wheat, increase the sugar content of tillering section, and enhance the cold resistance of the plant itself. When topdressing, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be mixed, and the proportion should be appropriate. Special attention should be paid to the application of phosphate fertilizer. It is forbidden to apply nitrogen fertilizer to avoid causing the growth of the stem tissue of the plant to be too soft and to reduce the cold resistance and lodging resistance.
Cover the manure. 300-400 kg of wheat bran and crushed wheat straw per acre are applied between the dry wheat rows. This method not only protects and freezes, but also improves the soil and fertilizes the soil after the cover is corroded. It is an effective measure for drought resistance, antifreeze and yield increase of wheat. In addition, after the wheat enters the wintering period, a layer of manure is applied along the ridge, commonly known as “warm ditch”, which can avoid wind and moisture, increase temperature and freeze, and supplement nutrients for the growth of wheat seedlings. The thickness of the cover manure is preferably 3 to 4 cm. When the manure is insufficient, the wheat field in the late evening wheat field, the shallow wheat field, the wheat field in the sand, and the wheat field in which the weak spring varieties are sowed are given priority.
Earthen roots. When the wheat seedlings are about to stop growing before wintering, combined with the roots of the soil, it can effectively prevent the wheat from freezing during the winter. In the colder, more arid and windy years, the antifreeze effect of the roots of the bauxite is particularly obvious, generally increasing the yield by 5% to 10%.
Timely winter irrigation. The straw is returned to the wheat field or the winter drought year, and a winter irrigation is carried out before the arrival of the cold air. Wheat timely winter irrigation has significant seedling and yield-increasing effects. Pay attention to timely cultivating and suppression after winter irrigation to ensure the protection.
Timely farming. Timely cultivating can prevent drought and prevent phlegm and prevent freezing damage. Therefore, it is more important to combine winter irrigation with timely cultivating, especially clay. For the late glutinous wheat field, the lower wet wheat field, more cultivating, early cultivating, can play a role in ensuring warming.
Smoke at the right time. Pay close attention to the weather changes after entering the winter. Before the cold current arrives, pile up wheat, stalks and other fumes in the fields from the evening to the early morning to reduce the freezing damage.
Spray hormones. For example, when wheat is prosperous before wintering, especially when there are signs of winter jointing, it should be sprayed with 0.3% to 0.5% of chlormequat before the arrival of cold air. After the spring, it is necessary to tighten the cracks on sunny days to control the growth of the aboveground parts of wheat, or to apply soil fertilizer or mud to protect the tillers and young ears of wheat.
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