Color feng shui and space choice house color you can not use the wrong

Color feng shui and space selection House color you can not use the wrong

â—† Black and white ratio - visual fatigue If the main color of the house is equal to the use of black and white, it can be overly fancy. Living in this environment for a long time will make people feel dazzled and easily feel nervous and irritated. However, this does not mean that black and white cannot be used at the same time, as long as the two are allocated. It is best to use white as the main color and black as the local decoration, such as black geometric figures, ink paintings, etc. It will make the space bright and spacious and full of fun.

Home Feng Shui 90 Square meters Decoration 80 Square meters Decoration Space Feng Shui House Decoration Bedroom Color House Feng Shui Study Feng Shui Bedroom Lamp

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