Commonly used metal halide lamp ballast and working circuit

1) Inductive ballast (Choke)

This is a common type of common ballast. The open circuit voltage is the power supply voltage. It is necessary to start the lamp operation by means of a trigger. The voltage crest factor and the current crest factor of the working circuit are low, which is beneficial to the electrode of the protection discharge tube. The cost of a ballast is low, but in the case of large fluctuations in the supply voltage, the ability to control lamp power fluctuations and stabilize lamp performance is poor.

2) High-impedance auto-coupled boost ballast (HX Auto)

This ballast is used in applications where the supply voltage is low (eg 100V/120V) or where the lamp can be started directly to achieve a high open circuit voltage. The peak voltage and current crest factor of the working circuit are relatively high, and the ability to control the stability of the lamp is also poor. Generally, such a ballast is less used.

3) Constant power auto-coupled boost ballast (CWA)

This type of ballast consists of an auto-coupling leakage-magnetization transformer series capacitor called a constant-power ballast, also known as a leading-edge ballast. The ballast can achieve a higher open circuit voltage with a line power factor of up to 90%. In the case of a large fluctuation of the power supply voltage, it is better to stabilize the power of the lamp and maintain the performance of the lamp. The lamp can continue to operate even when the power supply voltage drops by 30-40%. However, the current peak factor of the line is higher and the cost of the ballast is relatively high.

4) Constant power boost ballast (CWl)

The ballast is composed of a leakage magnetic surge transformer series capacitor, and is also a constant power ballast, which has better regulation of lamp power and performance than the above CWA ballast.

5) Adjustable late type ballast (Regulated Lag)

This ballast is actually a regulated appliance that ensures that the metal halide lamp is always operating at a stable supply voltage, allowing the lamp to achieve the longest life and optimal lamp performance parameters. The cost of such a ballast is high, but it is low for the long-term operating cost of metal halide lighting.

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