Do not know the three indicators to buy doors and windows

Indicator 1: Warmth In the purchase of windows, consumers should choose windows with good energy-saving and heat-insulating properties. The function of the energy-saving insulation window is to block the outdoor heat energy in the summer to save the power consumed by the air conditioning; in the winter, the indoor heat energy is left indoors so as to save energy and expenses consumed by the heating. If the requirement for heat preservation is not high, single glass can be selected. If the heat preservation requirement is very high, if the balcony is used up, it is more appropriate to select the double glass to ensure the temperature in the balcony. Creation doors and windows Jiaji doors and windows

Indicator 2: Fire resistance Recently, several high-rise building fires triggered people's concern about the fire safety of windows. The outer window of an ordinary building is the opening of the external protective structure of a building, and it is an important passage for the upward spread of fire. Therefore, improving the fire prevention capability of the building's exterior windows in advance and effectively preventing the rapid spread of fire has become an important measure to reduce fire losses and human casualties.

Indicator 3: Stability There are many window brands sold on the market. There are also products that are mixed. If you use substandard products, after a quarter of use, the surface of the product will yellow, and it will blistering, easily deformed and brittle. . When selecting a window, in addition to selecting the surface material, the hardware used for the window is also selected. The hardware of high-end windows is mostly made of metal and can directly affect the performance of the windows. In addition, it depends on the quality of the assembly of the windows.

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