Green feed for livestock attention å•¥

Green feed method for feeding livestock 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

1. Feeding green feed and feeding may cause livestock to be infected with parasitic diseases. Therefore, livestock that feed green feed should be regularly dewormed. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2. The cooked and cooked method is only applicable to beans, bean curd, pumpkin, potatoes or vegetables with steel wool. To be cooked now, so as not to cause nitrite poisoning. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3. Fermentation feeding Feeding livestock after fermenting green feed is an effective method to improve the palatability and nutritional value of feed. Generally, weeds, leaves, leaves and stems are washed and chopped, put into a pool or a cylinder, and laminated. When it is eighty full, cover it with a straw curtain and press it on the stone. After the green fodder sinks, Fill the water with water to isolate the feed from the air, and then feed the pigs after one day of fermentation. If mixed with bran, the effect is better. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

4. Blister feeding is suitable for some feeds that are not loved by livestock. For example, the leaves of poplar, willow, eucalyptus, apricot, medlar, etc., which have a lot of tannins or tannins, can be removed from the water and can remove the astringency and other strange flavors. . 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

5. Silage feeds silage, vegetables, leaves, etc. can be stored for a long time. If 0.5%-1% urea is added during silage, the protein content can be increased. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

6. Drying and feeding high quality hay can replace the concentrate. It has been determined that the nutritional value of 2 kg of hay is equivalent to 1 kg of concentrate. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Feeding livestock with green fodder should pay attention to the problem 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

1. Harvest at the right time. Green feed during the young period is best for feeding livestock. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2. Green feed should be kept fresh and clean to prevent mildew. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3. Green feed is best fed after chopping, beating, fermenting or silage. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

4. Properly match other feeds. Feeding according to the different growth stages of livestock to ensure the needs of livestock for a variety of nutrients. 7xB China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

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