Special Metals popular Monel K-500 is a unique nickel-copper superalloy and offers many of the benefits of Monel 400, but with strength and hardness. These improvements are due to two main factors:
- The addition of aluminum and titanium to an already robust nickel-copper base adds strength and hardness
- Material strength and hardness is further enhanced through age hardening
Though used for a wide variety of applications, Monel alloy K-500 is specifically popular in a number of fields including:
- Chemical Industry (valves and pumps)
- Paper Production (doctor blades and scrapers)
- Oil and Gas (pump shafts, drill collars and instruments, impellers, and valves)
- Electronic components and sensors
Monel K-500 is composed of the following:
- 63% Nickel (plus Cobalt)
- 0.25% Carbon
- 1.5% Manganese
- 2% Iron
- Copper 27-33%
- Aluminum 2.30-3.15%
- Titanium 0.35-0.85%
Monel K-500 is also known for its ease of fabrication compared to other superalloys, and the fact that it is essentially nonmagnetic even at low temperatures. It is available in most popular forms including:
- Rod and Bar (hot-finished and cold-drawn)
- Sheet (cold rolled)
- Strip (cold rolled, annealed, spring tempered)
- Tube and Pipe, Seamless (cold-drawn, annealed and annealed and aged, as-drawn, as-drawn and aged)
- Plate (Hot Finished)
- Wire, Cold Drawn (annealed, annealed and aged, spring temper, spring temper aged)