Non-polluted vegetable phosphate fertilizer application technology

1. In the early stage of vegetable phosphorus deficiency, the old leaves are dark green, dull or purplish red. From the lower leaves, the leaf edges gradually turn yellow, then die and fall off. When some vegetables are deficient in phosphorus, the lower leaves and stem base are purple. It is more obvious in the seedling stage, and it is relieved in the middle and late stages. When the phosphorus is seriously deficient, the leaves die and fall off. The stems are small and woody. Root and root hair length increase, root radius decreases, secondary roots are rare, some vegetables can secrete organic acids when phosphorus is deficient, so that rhizosphere soil acidifies, dissolves more insoluble phosphorus, and improves soil phosphorus availability. Phosphorus easily causes the relative growth rate of roots to increase, and the ratio of root to shoot increases, thereby increasing the absorption and utilization of phosphorus by roots. Less flowers, less fruit, late fruit, seeds are not full, and thousands of grains are reduced. Phosphorus deficiency can also cause the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables, resulting in a decline in quality. The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency in several vegetables are as follows:

(1) Phosphorus deficiency in Chinese cabbage: growth is not strong. The plants are dwarfed and the leaves are small and dark green. The stems are fine and the roots are weak.

(2) Phosphorus deficiency in eggplant: the leaves are dark purple, the stems are slender, and the fibers are developed. Flower bud differentiation is delayed and firm.

(3) Phosphorus deficiency: the leaf back is reddish purple, the root system is poorly developed, the plant grows short, and the leaf is small and shrinks.

(4) Tomato phosphorus deficiency: the early leaf back is reddish purple. The mesophyll tissue is spotted and then spreads throughout the leaf, the veins gradually turn reddish purple, and the leaf clusters are finally purple. The stem is slender and rich in fiber. The leaves are small, the plants are short, the old leaves are yellow, and there are purple spots. They fall off before the fruit matures, and the results are delayed.

(5) Phosphorus deficiency in cucumber: The leaf color is dark green. As the leaf age increases, the color is more dim and gradually becomes brown and dry. The plants are short and thin. Browning and necrosis between veins. The number of female flowers is reduced. Fruit deformity, dark copper green.

(6) Phosphorus deficiency on the onion: Most of the growth is slow in the late growth stage, the old leaves are dry or the tip of the leaf is dead, and sometimes the leaves have yellow-green, brown-green spots.

(7) Phosphorus deficiency in lettuce: leaf color dark green, reddish brown or purple, old leaves die, growth is short, leaf ball formation is poor, ball formation is late, stem tip is rosette leaf shape.

(8) Phosphorus deficiency in celery: the leaves are dark purple, the petioles are small, the roots are poorly developed, and the plants stay in the leaf cluster growth period.

(9) Phosphorus deficiency: the leaves are dark green with purple, the old leaves are dead, and the petiole grows upward.

(10) Cabbage deficiency phosphorus: the leaves are small and hard, and the leaves are dead.

2. Excessive phosphorus application in vegetables Excessive phosphorus, the leaves of the plants are thick and dense, the leaves are dark green, the small plants are divided, the cellulose content of the leaf vegetables is increased, the eating quality is reduced, and the uniformity is poor. Due to the early maturity of the reproductive organs, the vegetative body is small, the growth of stems and leaves is inhibited, and the plants are prematurely fading. The root system is developed, and the number of roots is extremely large and extremely short. A condition caused by excessive phosphorus is usually manifested by chlorosis such as zinc deficiency, magnesium deficiency, and iron deficiency. The legume crops have low protein content and are prone to cause deficiency of zinc, iron, manganese and wow, and the harvest time is inconsistent.

3. Phosphate types and application methods suitable for vegetables (1) Superphosphate. Referred to as calcium, it is a water-soluble phosphate fertilizer. The content of phosphorus pentoxide is 12%-20%, which is a loose powder or granule such as dark gray, grayish white or light yellow. Acidic and corrosive. Stored under humid conditions, it will be converted into insoluble iron phosphate and aluminum sulfate after moisture absorption, reducing the effectiveness of the fertilizer. Therefore, it should be protected from moisture and the storage time should not be too long. Calcium superphosphate also provides calcium and sulfur, which account for 12% and 9% of the total weight of the fertilizer, respectively. It can be widely applied to various soils and crops, especially suitable for alkaline soils or soils lacking sulfur and calcium, and crops requiring more calcium and sulfur.

1) Centralized application: It can be used as base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and top dressing, and the effect of base fertilizer and seed fertilizer is better. When using the base fertilizer, ditch or open the hole and apply the fertilizer to the root system. When planting fertilizer, it can be mixed with decomposed manure, or it can be applied separately. When seeding alone, it should be acidified with 10% of ash or 5% of limestone powder, and seeded immediately after seed dressing.

2) Mixed application with organic fertilizer can improve fertilizer efficiency.

3) granulated fertilizer: the phosphate fertilizer unit is made into granules, or mixed with decomposed organic fertilizer to make organic or inorganic granules, or combined with nitrogen and potassium fertilizer to form a granular compound fertilizer. The particle size of the granular phosphate fertilizer is preferably 3-5 mm.

4) Top dressing: After the vegetable is in the late stage of growth, the root system can reduce the ability to absorb fertilizer, and it can be applied outside the root. Diluted 10 times with water before application and stirred well. After clarification, the supernatant is taken and diluted into a solution having a concentration of 1% to 3% for spraying. The spraying amount is 50-100 kg per mu, and it is preferable to spray it in the morning without dew or before and after the evening. The bottom layer of the mother liquor can be used as a base fertilizer or poured into organic fertilizer.

(2) Heavy superphosphate. Referred to as heavy calcium, phosphorus pentoxide content is 36%-54%, it is dark gray powder or granular, hygroscopic and corrosive, easy to agglomerate, more granulated, soluble in water, weakly acidic, Pay attention to moisture when storing. It should not be mixed with alkaline substances, and the application method and technology are the same as that of superphosphate, but the dosage is halved, which is suitable for various soils and various crops. Because it does not contain sulfur, it is used in legumes, cruciferous plants and potatoes, and its fertilizer efficiency is not as good as that of superphosphate.

(3) Calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer. It is grayish white, grayish green or black dad powder, the phosphorus pentoxide content is 14%-18%, and also contains 40% silica, 25%-30% calcium oxide, 10%-25% oxygen through magnesium, It is a kind of public fertilizer based on phosphorus. It is alkaline, not deep in water, not deliquescent, non-caking, non-corrosive, convenient for storage and transportation. Suitable for legumes, cruciferous crops, etc., most suitable for acidic soils, especially acid soils deficient in phosphorus. In calcareous soils, the fertilizer efficiency is lower than that of acidic soils, and the fertilizer efficiency is slow, but there are rear shovel. In vegetable cultivation, calcium magnesium phosphate should not be applied alone, and should be applied in combination with calcium or heavy calcium, and fresh organic fertilizer should be applied at the same time.

1) As base fertilizer: as base fertilizer should be applied early, 215-300 kg per mu, and most of the application should be applied to 10-15 cm thick root layer. In dry land, it can be ditched or opened for application. The paddy field can be applied when it is applied in the field.

2) For seed fertilizer: When planting fertilizer, pay attention not to direct contact with seeds, 10-25 kg per mu.

3) Mixing with organic fertilizer after application: Pre-stacking with pig, cow dung, manure, etc. for 1-2 months, can improve fertilizer efficiency.

4) Application with natural acid and physiological acid fertilizer: Mixing calcium magnesium phosphate with potassium chloride and potassium sulfate can improve fertilizer efficiency. However, it should not be mixed with ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will cause ammonia volatilization loss.

(4) Phosphate rock powder. The total phosphorus content is between 10% and 25%, and the phosphorus pentoxide content is less than 5%. It is gray and brown powder, neutral to emblem alkaline, and is a poorly soluble phosphate fertilizer. The fertilizer efficiency is slow and long lasting. It is suitable for application in acidic soil, and it has good effect on legumes and cruciferous application. In the production, phosphate rock powder passing through a 0.16 cm mesh hole is preferably used, and it is preferably mixed with organic fertilizer and applied. Under the condition that a large amount of chemical fertilizer is used to cause soil acidification, especially under the condition of facility cultivation, the application of phosphate rock powder is effective.

Suitable for base fertilizer, not suitable for topdressing and seed fertilizer. When using the base fertilizer, it is better to use the application and deep application. The amount is positively related to its fertilizer effect to a certain extent, and its dosage depends on the total phosphorus amount and the integrable property. Mixing phosphate rock with acid fertilizer or physiological acid fertilizer, or co-stacking with organic fertilizer, and applying it after sputum can improve fertilizer efficiency. Combined with superphosphate, it is beneficial to the conversion of phosphorus in phosphate rock to meet the demand for phosphorus in crop seedlings.

4. Precautions In the rational application of phosphate fertilizer, it should be rationally distributed and applied according to soil conditions, and preferentially applied to the soil most deficient in phosphorus. For soil fertilization, the proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus applied to low-yield areas with severe phosphorus deficiency is 1: 1 is appropriate, the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus applied to the medium phosphorus deficiency plot can be around 1:0.5. For plots with high available phosphorus content, they can be temporarily applied. Priority is given to high-yield vegetable crops and to phosphorus-sensitive crops such as legumes and melons. Different application methods are adopted for different phosphate fertilizer varieties. Note that nitrogen and phosphorus should be applied together. Other nutrients such as potassium, shed, zinc and molybdenum should be applied according to the soil conditions to obtain the best results.

In order to reduce the deposition of phosphorus in the soil, an appropriate amount of lime is applied to the soil to adjust the pH of the soil to maintain the pH value of 6.5-6.8. However, if the lime is applied in a large amount for a long time, the deposition of phosphorus is also increased. For calcareous soil or alkaline soil, organic fertilizer or green manure should be added to reduce soil pH. Add organic fertilizer to increase soil organic matter content. After flooding, it can enhance the shovel of soil phosphorus. The concentrated application of phosphate fertilizer into the root-dense layer, or the accumulation of phosphate fertilizer with organic matter, or mixed with organic fertilizer can reduce the deposition of phosphorus in the soil.

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