Application (Patent) Number: CN201110084452.9 Filing Date: 2011.03.29
Public (publication) number: CN102241492A Public (announcement) day: 2011.11.16
Main classification number: C04B28/00 (2006.01)I
Classification number: C04B28/00(2006.01)I; C04B18/30(2006.01)N
Application (Patent) Person: A waste textile fiber insulation load-bearing concrete of Taiyuan University of Technology belongs to the field of building materials, and specifically relates to a kind of waste, energy-saving, environmental protection, and heat-insulating performance using thermal insulation materials, waste fiber materials and industrial waste residue. Good fiber building material and its preparation method. The invention is characterized in that the method for preparing the building materials containing waste fibers is used for initial formulation of the thermal insulation material, the thermal insulation performance of the original concrete is optimized, the waste textile fiber is incorporated, the problem of waste disposal is solved, and the problem of environmental pollution is reduced. At the same time avoid hidden hidden fire hazards. Through the recycling of discarded textile fiber waste, a potential use of textile materials has been developed to broaden the application of textile waste.
Public (publication) number: CN102241492A Public (announcement) day: 2011.11.16
Main classification number: C04B28/00 (2006.01)I
Classification number: C04B28/00(2006.01)I; C04B18/30(2006.01)N
Application (Patent) Person: A waste textile fiber insulation load-bearing concrete of Taiyuan University of Technology belongs to the field of building materials, and specifically relates to a kind of waste, energy-saving, environmental protection, and heat-insulating performance using thermal insulation materials, waste fiber materials and industrial waste residue. Good fiber building material and its preparation method. The invention is characterized in that the method for preparing the building materials containing waste fibers is used for initial formulation of the thermal insulation material, the thermal insulation performance of the original concrete is optimized, the waste textile fiber is incorporated, the problem of waste disposal is solved, and the problem of environmental pollution is reduced. At the same time avoid hidden hidden fire hazards. Through the recycling of discarded textile fiber waste, a potential use of textile materials has been developed to broaden the application of textile waste.
RXIRY Low Light-level Night Vision Gunsight
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