Precautions for using dust in the shed

Due to the special environmental conditions, the greenhouse vegetables in the winter and spring, with heavy snow and rain, foggy weather, the occurrence of pests and diseases is more serious, the traditional spray medication is easy to increase the humidity in the closed shed, and the use of dust to prevent labor and labor When the humidity in the shed is not increased, the agent is evenly dispersed, and the effect of controlling pests and diseases is good, but it must be used correctly to fully exert its effects, so pay attention to the following points when using:
First, before the dusting, the vents and doors of the shed are closed, the plastic cloth of the shed is tightly closed, and the sealed state is as close as possible. The small dams of the shed have no effect on the dust.
Second, the dusting time should avoid sunny noon. Because the plant evaporation is large at noon, there is an upward airflow, which will affect the sedimentation of the dust, and the temperature in the midday shed is too high. The closure of the greenhouse may cause the plant to not adapt to the high temperature and cause sunburn, which may also affect the drug users. Security. It can be combined with management to take medicine in the evening or early morning or cloudy days.
3. The dust should be properly stored and must not be damp. Spray with a duster when using it to avoid shaking with a cloth bag or by hand.
4. Do not spray within 3 days after spraying, so as to avoid spray mist to wash away the powder particles and reduce the efficacy.
5. After spraying, close the shed for about 2 hours. It is not advisable to enter the shed for farming activities immediately after closing the shed. If there is any remaining powder, do not return to the shed to spray, so as not to affect the sedimentation of the drug and affect the health of the sprayer. The spray pipe should be inserted into the shed from the vent of the shed to spray the powder.
6. Pay attention to the order and time of dusting. When spraying, the powder must be sprayed evenly into the space of the booth. It is not advisable to spray the powder spray tube to the plant line by line, otherwise the deposition will be uneven.
7. It should be used in accordance with the safe operation procedures of pesticides. It is required to wear long-sleeved overalls, goggles, masks and protective caps. Wash hands and other exposed skin after the operation.

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