Property, residents and neighbors are all caught together to prevent burglary

According to the police, burglary occurs mostly in old-fashioned communities. Suspects use home-made insertion tools to unlock the door lock and burglary; during work hours, the suspect turns over the fence, climbs the anti-theft window, downspout and other windows to burglary. In addition, thieves often enter the business building to pretend to be visitors or couriers, aiming to steal from the safe or desk opened in the financial room.

The police suggested that the property management department should strengthen the prevention work in the areas prone to crime, strengthen patrols, and implement the registration system; set up unified exits for underground garages and fire escapes, and install anti-theft doors at the rooftop passages; before spring, the relevant departments should Iron doors and windows are strengthened and replaced. Residents should be vigilant, install iron fences at places that are easy to climb, and use home alarm products if possible. In addition, there should be a little more help between neighbors.

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