Kitchen Appliance Installation Inspection and Use Safety Manual

Kitchen Appliance Installation Inspection and Use Safety Manual


1 The stoves on the market today are mostly embedded stoves. Before installation, you need to open holes in the countertops of the kitchen cabinet. When you open the holes, you must open the holes strictly in accordance with the size provided by the manufacturer. If the openings are too large, you will suffer The force point is not on the metal bottom shell but on the panel of the cooker, and long-term use may cause the panel to be damaged.

2 The cooker must be installed at a distance of more than 15cm from other objects, and the space at the top should be more than 100CM.

3 There should be 100 square centimeters of space directly under the cooker, and the cabinet doors should have 4 to 8 vents.

4 The gas stove hose is generally selected ¢9.5mm special rubber tube length within 0.5-1 meters, usually one or a half years or so to replace once.

5 Test leak: Apply soap liquid to the junction of the trachea, open the air source valve, and if there is a bubble, explain the leak. Close the air source valve, adjust the clamp (or nut) properly and try again until no leakage occurs.

6 When used for the first time, there may be too much air in the air intake pipe to cause ignition, and it is necessary to repeat the ignition several times to empty the air to ignite.

7 In daily life, stove tops, fire lids, stove tops, and gas nozzles should be regularly cleaned to prevent clogging and causing panel burn-back.

8 In the process of use, the air in the kitchen should be kept in circulation. If a gas leak or odor is found, the main valve of the gas source should be closed. Doors and windows should be opened until the indoor gas is exhausted.

Kitchen decoration Lin water heater space room electrical switch gas water heater cabinet door kitchen cabinet door

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