The basic principle of the transfer matrix method is to first follow certain equivalence principles.

The lateral vibration of the shafting is analyzed by the transfer matrix method, and the critical speed of the elastic (or rigid) support of the shafting can be calculated. The shafting has a critical speed of damping, rotor imbalance response, and static deflection. Fundamental Principles The actual rotor is an elastic system of continuously distributed mass with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.

The basic principle of the transfer matrix method is to simplify the rotor to a multi-degree-of-freedom system with several concentrated masses according to certain equivalent principles. Divided into discs, shaft segments, branch structures and supports, with deflection, slope, bending moment and shear force as the state vector of the section, the mechanical transfer method is used to establish the transfer relationship between the state vectors at both ends of the component. Then, the relationship between the state vector of the arbitrary section and the initial state vector is obtained by continuous conditions, and the vortex frequency which can satisfy the boundary condition is found, and the critical speed of each order of the shaft system is obtained.

The calculation of the critical speed calculation of the shaft section is based on the rotor structure of the coolant pump motor, and the rotor is discretized, and the parameters of the general shaft section are easily calculated. However, the structure of the rotor body is relatively complicated, and the rotor body is opened with a large groove. For the hot-sleeve slab rotor, the stiffening effect should be considered. The flywheel is also hot-sleeve on the rotor, which also strengthens the stiffness. Determination of support stiffness The support stiffness includes oil film stiffness and oil film damping and bearing housing stiffness.

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