The best waterproof coating for bathroom

The selection of bathroom equipment should be based on personal habits and functional needs. In addition, the allocation of space is also a factor that influences the purchase. For the space size, layout, choose the shape of the bathroom is very important. In the building materials market, waterproof coatings should be selected from the single-component, environmentally friendly polyurethane coatings that are currently highly recommended by the Ministry of Construction.

Drake Shower Room

Waterproof Coatings We should select single-component, environmentally friendly polyurethane coatings that are currently highly recommended by the Ministry of Construction. Because this kind of coating can tightly enclose the pipeline and the ground, penetrate into the gap, and does not shrink after drying, it is more suitable than a rigid material such as waterproof cement, which is more suitable for small-sized houses with more gaps in the bathroom. Therefore, customers should choose brand coatings when purchasing this kind of paint, and the material cost per square meter is about 50~60 yuan.

Zhongyu bathroom space renderings paint space cement building materials market bathroom waterproof bathroom waterproof material bathroom door

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