The incidence of ophthalmology in the world's core medical journals. Specific eye indicators adjusted for factors such as age, gender, smoking, diabetes, and corticosteroid use were analyzed by a generalized estimating equation model. RESULTS: There was a slight correlation between cleft palate and cortical cataract, which increased the risk of cortical cataract (adjusted OR1.3, 95% CI 1.0 to 1.7). There was no significant correlation between pterygium and cortical, karyotype and posterior capsule cataract. CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal studies from the same population study did not strongly support the findings of a lateral correlation between cleft palate and cortical cataract in previous studies.
Optic nerve biopsy for the diagnosis of solitary optic nerve lymphoma: a case of optic nerve biopsy diagnosed as isolated optic nerve lymphoma was reported. Design: Case report. METHODS: A 66-year-old female patient underwent neurological ophthalmologic examination for visual acuity and right eye optic disc edema.
RESULTS: Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain suggested only optic nerve enhancement. Antinuclear antibody (ANA), cytoplasmic-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c-AN-CA), perinuclear-ANCA (p-ANCA), Lyme titer assay, fluorescent spirochete antibody uptake assay (FTA- ABS), angiotensin-converting enzyme level (ACE), chest X-ray examination and lumbar puncture examination showed no obvious abnormalities. Because of the clinical examination and a series of imaging examinations, the disease progresses rapidly, so the line nerve biopsy, the results suggest B-cell lymphoma. Conclusion: Clinical and X-ray examination of optic nerve lymphoma is easily confused with a variety of inflammatory lesions and a variety of neoplastic lesions involving the optic nerve. If other examinations cannot be diagnosed, optic nerve biopsy is valuable for the diagnosis of isolated optic nerve lymphoma, but because of the high risk of vision loss during operation, care must be taken when applying this test.
The use of a new No. 25 trocar device through the conjunctival ciliary body flat: To introduce a new No. 25 trocar device for transcranial ciliary body flat vitrectomy (PPV). Design: Research on new surgical instruments. Method: This set of No. 25 trocar device for transconjunctival PPV includes a contact lens ring having four protrusions, each having a hole having a diameter of 1.0 mm and a distance of 3.0 mm from the edge of the mirror ring. A wedge-shaped 25 gauge perfusion tube and two stoppers. RESULTS: The -0 silk thread fixed the contact lens ring at the 3:9 and 9 o'clock angles of the sclera. The 25th needle was used to make a conjunctival and scleral incision at the small hole in the protrusion of the lens ring under the armpit, upper nose and upper eyelid. There were no intraoperative and postoperative complications in 14 patients who underwent PPV on the 25th conjunctival needle. Conclusion: The application of professional journals to the device through the conjunctival PPV, no need to suture the scleral incision, no intraoperative and postoperative complications.
A new mutation of RLBP1 gene in a patient with white spot retinitis in Japan. Objective: To report the results of a new mutation of RLBP1 gene and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a patient with Japanese white retinitis. Design: A report of the case. METHODS: Direct genomic sequencing was performed to analyze the RLBP1 gene and a comprehensive eye examination was performed. RESULTS: The patient developed a RLBP1 gene complex heterozygous mutation. Among them, 103 arginine missense is a new mutation of tryptophan, and 234 arginine missense is tryptophan, which is the cause of poor nutrition of Bothnia. The fundus of the patient showed diffuse white spots and retinal pigmentation, bilateral macular degeneration. The visual function deteriorated progressively during the 12-year follow-up. OCT examination showed thinning of the retina, especially the photoreceptor layer. Conclusion: A new mutation in the RLBP1 gene was found in a Japanese patient with white spot retinitis. OCT examination showed degenerative changes in the outer layer of the retina.
Polymerase chain reaction assay for the diagnosis of recurrent type of herpes zoster virus: a case of recurrent epithelial herpes zoster virus keratitis was reported. Design: Case report. METHODS: Clinical examination and corneal epithelial polymerase chain reaction examination. RESULTS: A 10-year-old healthy child with varicella recovered from prolonged recurrent dendritic keratitis with debridement. Multiple polymerase chain reaction tests on pseudodendritic lesions indicated positive herpes zoster virus DNA and herpes simplex virus DNA was negative. Oral acyclovir, topical corticosteroid eye drops are effective in reducing false dendritic lesions. However, once the drug is discontinued, the condition recurs. CONCLUSIONS: Children with epithelial herpes zoster keratitis may develop prolonged relapse and require long-term treatment.
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