Welding and cutting - safety requirements in enclosed spaces

Pipes used for welding, cutting or related process local exhaust ventilation must be made of non-combustible materials. These pipes must be inspected periodically as needed to ensure their function is stable and there must be no flammable residues on the inside surface.
Ventilation in an enclosed space

In addition to normal ventilation requirements, ventilation in welded and cut enclosures is also required to prevent accumulation of combustible mixtures and oxygen enrichment in the atmosphere.

Air used

The quantity and quality of the air used for ventilation must ensure that the concentration of harmful substances in the enclosed space is below the specified value.

Compressed air supplied to the respirator or breathing apparatus must meet normal breathing requirements.

The compressed air tube of the respirator must be a dedicated line and must not be connected to other lines.

Oxygen, other gases or mixtures should not be used for ventilation other than air.

Forced ventilation, supplied air breathing equipment or other suitable means must be used when performing welding, cutting or related work in areas where there is a direct risk to life and health.

Ventilation duct

Pipes used for welding, cutting or related process local exhaust ventilation must be made of non-combustible materials. These pipes must be inspected periodically as needed to ensure their function is stable and there must be no flammable residues on the inside surface.

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China Hardware Business Network


Wear-resistant suction and blowpipe; ultra-lightweight, high flexibility and compression ratio 4: 1, braided

Can be used in printing machinery, air supply: UV dryer, infrared dryer

Welding fume purification

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China Hardware Business Network

Suction and blowing hoses are used to pump welding fumes and sparks during electric welding operations;

Tough, ultra-light compressible, up to 1.000 mm in diameter (temperature up to 260 ° C)

Can be used for welding fume purification, suction arm
Http://news.chinawj.com.cn Editor: (Hardware Business Network Information Center) http://news.chinawj.com.cn

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